Tuesday, February 20, 2018


As discussed earlier, mouse models are more attractive than big animal models because of the low cost, ease-of-handling and known genetic information.

Xenograft = a tissue graft or organ transplant from a donor of a different species from the recipient.  Xenotransplantation = Xenotransplantation is the transplantation of living cells, tissues or organs from one species to another.
One of the most widely used models is the human tumor xenograft. In this model, human tumor cells are transplanted, either under the skin or into the organ type in which the tumor originated, into immunocompromised mice that do not reject human cells.  For example, the xenograft will be readily accepted by athymic nude mice, severely compromised immunodeficient (SCID) mice, or other immunocompromised mice.

After establishment of cancer cell lines for anticancer screening in National Cancer Institute (NCI), xenograft models derived from these cell lines were developed. Sixty cell lines derived from eight organs were used for establishment of xenograft models.


·       This refers to a mouse that has a few human cells, a short strand of human DNA, human tissues, a human tumor, or a humanized immune system.  Mice that are humanized can be powerful models of the human being and thus better for research into the problems of human development and disease.

·        Mouse engrafted with human tumor, known as patient-derived xenograft (PDX).  In general immunocompromised mice are engrafted with PDX tumors.  Tumor from a patient is collected and cut into pieces and put these pieces into multiple mice.  Each fragment grows and can then be divided into pieces and put into additional mice.  Through this process, you can end up with dozens of mice, each with tumors nearly identical to each other and to the original human patient’s tumor.  Now we can treat different groups of PDX mice with alternative drugs, drug combinations, and drug sequences allowing us to determine with approach works best to eliminate a very specific tumor type.

·        Interestingly, a mouse with no immune system can be selected and to it specific human stem cells typically derived either from fetal tissue or cord blood can be injected to obtain mouse with humanized immune system.

·        CRISPR CAS/9 technique can be used to break a strand of DNA at a very precise location and either can eliminate a short stretch of genetic code or add code from another organism.  Using this technique, DNA in a mouse embryo is broken in this way and a human genetic sequence is inserted into its genome.  By doing so, we can determine whether a human gene or a specific genetic variation functions or impacts on human health the way they we think it does.  These mice an be treated with alternative therapies to see if a disease causing genomic abnormality can be stopped or mitigated.

Ectopic tumor xenograft model. Generally, human cancer cells are subcutaneously injected into the hind leg or back of mice. In an ectopic tumor xenograft model (ectopic model), the transplanted site is different from the origin of the cultured cells.  Because an ectopic model can be used to monitor tumorigenicity and tumor growth easily, many researchers have utilized this model for evaluation of anticancer efficacy.

Orthotopic tumor xenograft model. Alternative models for assessment of tumor sensitivity have been developed. The orthotopic tumor xenograft model (orthotopic model) is an advanced tool, but is based on a immunosuppressive murine microenvironment. In the orthotopic model, the human cancer cells are transplanted into the same origin site of the tumor. For instance, lung cancer cells were directly injected into the mouse lung for the orthotopic model.

Patient-derived tumor xenograft model. Xenograft models, despite their advantages, are limited in their ability to demonstrate how a cancer patient would respond to a particular treatment. The reliable prediction of drug response in a clinical trial is needed, and the current models are not sufficient. In an effort to address the shortcomings of these models, a patient-derived tumor xenograft (PDTX) was developed and utilized.

Humanized Mouse Xenograft Models.

ü  Xenograft rodent models and cultured cells have long been used in pre-clinical studies of cancers and other human problems.  There are significant limitations to both of these model systems.

ü  Immune system humanized mice have allowed for researchers to examine cancer xenograft growth in the context of a human-like immune system and resulting tumor microenvironment.

ü  Humanized mouse models are “engineering mouse strains expressing human cytokines or HLA proteins and implanting human bone, liver, and thymus tissues to facilitate immune cell maturation and trafficking.”


Ø  For studying the cell cycle and many development processes – it is well established that yeasts, worms and flies as excellent model organisms.

Ø  Mouse is genetically closely related to humans.  Another reason for mouse’s appeal as a model for biomedical research is due to its low cost of maintenance and its ability to quickly multiply reproducing as often as every nine weeks.

Ø  Due to close genetic and physiological similarities of mouse to humans, mice are far better tools for probing the immune, endocrine, nervous, cardiovascular, skeletal and other physiological systems.

Ø  It should be noted that similar to humans and many other mammals, mice naturally develop diseases including cancer, atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, osteoporosis and glaucoma.

Ø  Interestingly, certain disease that doesn’t afflict mice but are normal in humans can be nicely induced into mice by manipulating its genome.

Nude mouse:

o   A nude mouse (is a mutant mouse) is a laboratory mouse with an inhibited immune system.   These are also called athymic nude mouse – due to the fact that these models lack normal thymus gland and has a defective immune system because of a genetic mutation. That means intrinsic safety mechanism is now turned off.

o   The mouse lacks body hair, which gives it the "nude" nickname.

o   The nude mouse is valuable to research because it can receive many different types of tissue and tumor grafts, as it mounts no rejection response.

Knockout mouse:

v  A knockout mouse is a genetically modified mouse in which researchers have inactivated, or "knocked out", an existing gene by replacing it or disrupting it with an artificial piece of DNA.

v  Knocking out the activity of a gene provides information about what that gene normally does. Humans share many genes with mice. Consequently, observing the characteristics of knockout mice gives researchers information that can be used to better understand how a similar gene may cause or contribute to disease in humans.

v  There are several thousand different strains of knockout mice.  Many mouse models are named after the gene that has been inactivated.

There is a relatively high number of strains and substrains of natural immunodeficiency models and gene deficient transgenic models available for genetic and immunological studies. The strains have specific deficiencies in MHC class I, II or both; B cell or T cell defects, or defects in both, as well as immunodeficiency due to knockdown of genes for cytokines, cytokine receptors, TLR receptors and a variety of transducers and transcription factors of signaling pathways. The use of these inbred strains has contributed to identifying hundreds of genes responsible for controlling the outcome of microbial infections and to understanding fundamental questions in the molecular control of immune deficiency or autoimmunity. [Immunodeficient Mouse Models: An Overview, The Open Immunology Journal, 2009, 2, 79-85]


“Animal research and testing has played a part in almost every medical breakthrough of the last century. It has saved hundreds of millions of lives worldwide...” – Former UK Home Office minister Joan Ryan.

Albert Sabin, who developed the Polio vaccine said, "Without animal research, polio would still be claiming thousands of lives each year.”

Why animal models?

·         If you are going to study a human disease you can’t directly perform the initial work in humans; you have to develop a model. Some models may be in vitro – literally, in glass tubes – but as you learn more and more, you must eventually test ideas in vivo.  That means you have to have a way of producing the disease that allows you to study it.  As mentioned earlier, humans cannot be used for this purpose for ethical reasons, therefore – living animals are used as models.

·         New medicines require testing because researchers must measure both the beneficial and the harmful effects of a compound on a whole organism. A medicine is initially tested in vitro using tissues and isolated organs, but legally and ethically it must also be tested in a suitable animal model before clinical trials in humans can take place.  Therefore, a new drug or a surgical technique is tested in animals to make sure that it is safe and effective.

·         Chimpanzees share more that 99% of DNA with humans and mice share more than 98% DNA with humans.  There is a 67% similarity between the DNA of humans and earthworms.

[Please understand the difference between ‘Shared genes’ and ‘Working DNA’ – You end-up seeing different % similarity values, but do read it carefully if the discussion is done based on ‘Shared genes’ or ‘Working DNA’]

Are animals as model is proper in research? 

Ø  Although humans and animals may look different, at a physiological and anatomical level they are remarkably similar. Animals, from mice to monkeys, have the same organs (heart, lungs, brain etc.) and organ systems (respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous systems etc.) which perform the same functions in pretty much the same way.

Ø  Many basic cell processes are the same in all animals, and the bodies of animals are like humans in the way that they perform many vital functions such as breathing, digestion, movement, sight, hearing and reproduction.

Ø  In particular, mammals are essential to researchers because they are the closest to us in evolutionary terms. For example, many diseases that affect human beings also affect other mammals, but they do not occur in insects, plants, or bacteria.

Ø  Humans and animals share hundreds of illnesses, and consequently animals can act as models for the study of human illness.

o   For example, rabbits suffer from atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), as well as diseases such as emphysema, and birth defects such as spina bifida.

o   Dogs suffer from cancer, diabetes, cataracts, ulcers and bleeding disorders such as haemophilia, which make them natural candidates for research into these disorders.

o   Cats suffer from some of the same visual impairments as humans.

From such models we learn how disease affects the body, how the immune system responds, who will be affected, and more.

What are the advantages of animal models?

v  Animals also offer experimental models that would be impossible to replicate using human subjects.

v  Animals have a shorter life cycle than humans and as a result, they can be studied throughout their whole life span or across several generations. 

v  In addition, scientists can easily control the environment around animals (diet, temperature, lighting), which would be difficult to do with humans.

v  Animals can be fed identical and closely monitored diets. As with inbred mice, members of some animal species are genetically identical, enabling researchers to compare different procedures on identical animals.

v  Animals such as rats, mice, birds, rabbits, guinea pigs, sheep, fish, frogs, pigs, birds, dogs, cats, primates, among others are used in biomedical research.

v  Approximately 95% of these animals used in biomedical research are rats and mice specifically bred for research and 4.25% of these animals include rabbits, guinea pigs, sheep, fish, frogs, insects, and other species.  Most importantly, only 0.75% of the animals in research are cats, dogs, and primates.


Lifespan: Brown rat: 2 years, Black rat: 12 months
Gestation period: Brown rat: 21 – 24 days, Polynesian rat: 21 – 24 days
Mass: Brown rat: 230 g, Black rat: 110 – 340 g

Mass: House mouse: 19 g, African pygmy mouse: 3 – 12 g
Lifespan: 4 – 8 years
Gestation period: 59 – 72 days (Adult)
Mass: 0.7 – 1.2 kg (Adult)
Length: 20 – 25 cm (Adult)
Lifespan: 6 – 10 years
Gestation period: 42 days; Mass: 0.7 – 2 kg; Length: 38 cm (Without Tail)
Gestation period: The period from fertilization of the egg (ovum) to the birth of the child.

ü  For example, 28 days study of a drug on an animal model has to be conducted – which animal model should we choose if we are given a choice between a mouse and a rat?           Mice / mouse (~20 g wt of each mouse) and (rat - ~120 g wt of each rat).                                   Each day blood sample from mouse might not be a good idea.  But each day blood sample from rat should not be a problem.  Therefore, choice would be rat.
ü  Though (for initial studies) mouse data is collected (as less amount of compound needed for this study) later rat data is needed
ü  Few studies cannot be done on rat – then they are switched to other animals according to disease of study – like dog, ferret, guinea pigs, rabbit.  

Compiled from several sources. 

Friday, February 9, 2018


Most often we see patent numbers ending with letters A B or C.  These letters carry a specific meaning.  These letter codes indicate the stage in the patent’s lifecycle.  The additional digit following the letter ‘A’, ‘B’ or ‘C’ carries extra information, but depends upon the exact examination and granting process which occurs in each country.

o   A – a published version of an application which has not yet passed examination;

Therefore if the document is an ‘A’ publication then it is not a patent at all, but an application that has yet to pass examination.

§  A1 document is the first publication of an application, which usually occurs at around 18 months from initial filing.

§  A2 document is second or subsequent publication of application, requested by applicant.

§  A9 document is the publication with correction of errors in either A1 or A2.

o   B – a published version of an application or patent which has passed examination, i.e. which is either a granted patent, or an accepted/allowed application; and

§  B1 document is a granted patent.  This document is not published as patent application earlier. That means after initial filing it was directly granted patent.

§  B2 document is a granted patent which was earlier published as patent application.

o   C – a published version of a patent which has been amended since it originally passed examination.

Therefore, for a pre-granted patent publication i.e. a patent application – publication number appears something in this form --- yyyy/nnnnnn-Ax

Whereas a corresponding granted patent will have a number of this form --- n,nnn,nnn-Bx

For more information, please see below links,
