Monday, January 8, 2018

Routes of drug administration

Enteral route (through alimentary canal) – Oral (swallowing for absorption along the gastrointestinal tract into the systemic circulation), Sublingual, through rectum

Parenteral route (bypasses the alimentary canal) – for e.g. Intra venous, intra muscular, intra articular, subcutaneous routes

Inhalation route – drugs can pass directly to the lungs (this comes under parenteral route)

Topical route – drugs may be applied to the external surfaces, example the skin
If there is a choice then researchers tend to show interest towards developing a drug which can be administered to patients orally.  There are several advantages of drug administration by oral route. 

Ø  Convenient for the patient who can self-administer it – therefore it is easy to take and no special training is required. 
Ø  It is non invasive process and is therefore pain free. 
Ø  Oral drugs can be stored easily, and are available in pre measured dose
Ø  Oral medication is cheap (less expensive) when compared to most of the parenteral route medications.
[Though there are few disadvantages with oral administration route – let us not talk about them here]

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